Which Life Insurance Polices Offer Loan Facility?

You must have heard that you can get a loan against your life insurance policy. Are you aware that all life insurance policies are not eligible for a loan facility? Yes, only a certain category of life insurance products are eligible for a loan against policy facility. Types of Life Insurance Products There are broadly… Continue Reading

Can a ‘Credit Card Takeover Loan’ Help?

Struggling with credit card debt? You make small payments on your credit card every month, but the debt just does not seem to go down. Why Does This Happen? Because credit cards are the most expensive debt in the formal finance sector. The interest rate ranges from 36% to 45% p.a. While you may be… Continue Reading

An Education Loan or a Loan for Education?

Higher education is getting expensive and many of us need to take an education loan to fund higher education for children. Fortunately, all the banks offer education loan products. And, given the product nature, there are a few peculiarities about education loans. Since the student won’t earn while studying (or earn enough), education loans have… Continue Reading