Credit Card against Bank Fixed Deposit

You do not like taking credit and avoided any loans and credit cards thus far.  You would pay cash or use your debit card/net banking to make payments rather than using a credit card. Its a matter of choice. And a prudent financial habit too. Non-usage of credit cards takes away the possibility of overspending… Continue Reading

5 Credit Card Habits You Should Avoid

Whether credit cards are useful or harmful depends on the person who uses it. To a prudent spender, a credit card means discounts, cash backs, reward points, easy and interest-free credit. To an irresponsible spender or someone who is struggling with cash flows, credit card may mean high interest rates, minimum payments, penal charges and… Continue Reading

Investments through Credit Cards?

Many of us have grown so fond of rewards points that we even want to make our investments through credit cards.  Sounds good, right? It is like having a cake and eating it too. Many times, I hear this question (investment through credit card) at the end of the financial year when many of us… Continue Reading

Five Advantages of Using a Credit Card

Whenever I write about credit cards, I focus mostly on things that can go wrong when you use credit cards indiscriminately. You may end up spending more than you can afford to. The debt can suddenly pile up if you don’t pay bills on time as the interest rate charged is exorbitant. In this post,… Continue Reading

Top Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Credit cards are easily available these days. The banks keep chasing customers with attractive offers (or so they say) on their credit cards. Personally, I am not against credit cards. If you use your credit cards judiciously, you can save a lot of money. You get an interest free credit period of up to 52… Continue Reading