Should You Buy a Second House Using Home Loan?

Real estate is expensive in India, at least in major cities. It is difficult to purchase a house without a loan. And it takes many years to repay the loan. Despite all this difficulty, the desire for house does not end here. For the fortunate few who have been able to purchase their first house,… Continue Reading

Budget 2019 Highlights

Income Tax Slabs Remain Unchanged Taxable Income Age < 60 years Taxable Income Senior Citizen (60 <= Age < 80 years) Taxable Income Very Senior Citizen (Age >= 80 years) Rs 2.5 lacs – Rs 5 lacs 5% Rs 3 lacs – Rs 5 lacs 5% Rs 5 lacs – 10 lacs 20% Rs 5… Continue Reading

What Is the Ideal Age to Take a Home Loan?

Most of us don’t have the luxury to purchase a house without a home loan. So, if you plan to purchase a house, you have to take a home loan at some point during your working years. A question that may cross your mind, “What is the ideal age to take a home loan?” Should… Continue Reading

How Much Loan Can I Get?

If you fancy making asset purchases on credit, you would want to be aware how much loan amount you can get. I am not talking about minor purchases where you can simply swipe your credit card. Once the credit card is approved, you can use your card, subject to credit limit, wherever you want. The bank… Continue Reading

Pre EMI vs. Full EMI – Which Is Better?

Almost everyone plans to purchase a house before retirement. Given the inflated real estate prices, buying a house outright is not an option for many of us. Thus, many of us have to resort to home loans to finance purchase of house. Though a home loan repayment schedule can be structured in any way, I will… Continue Reading

Budget 2017 — Salient Points

This year’s Union Budget is a mixed bag for salaried class and the real estate investors. Here is a look at key budget announcements. Reduction in tax rate from 10% to 5% for income tax slab of Rs 2.5 lacs to Rs 5 lacs (Positive) Introduction of Surcharge of 10% for taxable income between Rs… Continue Reading