How Fintech Loans Can Deceive You

I will give you Rs 1 lacs. You have to pay me 5% interest. Sounds like a good deal? I will add a few caveats. You must pay 5% interest upfront. Pay off the loan in 3 equal monthly installments of Rs 33,333 each. Is this a joke? No, it is not. This is the… Continue Reading

How Do Banks Make Money on Credit Cards?

You do not pay any interest during the interest-free period on the credit card. But the bank cannot afford to lend you money for free. The bank must be compensated — two major ways and a few minor ways. High Interest on Unpaid Amount First, when you do not pay your bill on time, the… Continue Reading

Medical Loan vs. Health Insurance

We know that Financial institutions can do many things to sell their products. However, they refrain from codifying their thoughts or practices in an article or a blog post. Therefore, even though they indulge in many dubious activities to sell, they don’t write about it. I recently came across an article on the website of… Continue Reading

Should You Opt for Medical Loans?

You have a medical emergency in a family and need funds to settle a hospital bill. You have tried other options but those have not materialized. You are planning to take a personal loan. A friend tells you about the concept of medical loan. You are told that the interest rate on a medical loan will… Continue Reading