Which Life Insurance Polices Offer Loan Facility?

You must have heard that you can get a loan against your life insurance policy. Are you aware that all life insurance policies are not eligible for a loan facility? Yes, only a certain category of life insurance products are eligible for a loan against policy facility. Types of Life Insurance Products There are broadly… Continue Reading

Which is the Best Life Insurance Company in 2022?

You want to buy a term life insurance plan. How would you select a life insurance company? You would want to go with the “Best Life Insurance Company”. Wouldn’t you? And for that, most of us would look at the claim settlement ratio of the various insurers. Higher the better. IRDA recently released the annual… Continue Reading

Budget 2020 Highlights

The Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, presented the Union Budget 2020 in the parliament yesterday. In this post, let’s look at the highlights of the Budget proposal. We will look at the proposals from personal taxation perspective only. #1 Restructuring of Income Tax Slabs, Lowering of Personal Tax Rates and a Choice There is a major… Continue Reading

Loan Options When You Have a Poor Credit Score

With the increasing reliance on credit scores during the loan approval process, it is not difficult to understand that it is difficult to get a loan if you have a poor credit score. If the reasons behind the low credit score are genuine but temporary, you can perhaps try explaining the cause to the credit institution… Continue Reading

How to Apply for Loan against LIC Policy Online

In an earlier post, I had discussed how you can take loan against your LIC policy to take care of loan requirement. I had also discussed certain aspects as your loan eligibility and the applicable rate of interest for the loan.  You can read the various aspects of loan against LIC policy in this post.… Continue Reading

Loan Against LIC Policies

I have never been a big fan of traditional life insurance plans such as endowment plans, money back plans etc. Traditional life insurance plans provide low life coverage and poor investment returns. Hence, such plans are better avoided. When we talk about life insurance plans, the first name that typically pops up in your mind is… Continue Reading