How Fintech Loans Can Deceive You

I will give you Rs 1 lacs. You have to pay me 5% interest. Sounds like a good deal? I will add a few caveats. You must pay 5% interest upfront. Pay off the loan in 3 equal monthly installments of Rs 33,333 each. Is this a joke? No, it is not. This is the… Continue Reading

When in Muddled Waters, Math Is Your Friend

What is an EMI? Equated Monthly Installment. We usually associate this term with loan repayment. Every month, the same amount (and hence the word “Equated”) gets debited from your bank account and is used for loan repayment. A portion of the EMI goes towards interest payment and the rest towards the principal repayment. We have… Continue Reading

How to Close Your Home Loan Quickly?

I have not found too many people who are not in a rush to close their home loans. For some, the obsession is so high that they put everything else, even long-term investments, on the back burner while they focus on closing their home loans. Do you belong to the same group? Nothing wrong in… Continue Reading

Got 2 Home Loans, Which One Would You Prepay First?

You have 2 home loans. You got an annual bonus. You want to prepay your home loan. Which home loan would you prepay first? Clearly, the one with a higher rate of interest, right? You save more by paying off the loan with a higher rate of interest. Ready-to-Move-in or under-Construction Property? The choice will… Continue Reading