Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for First Time Home Buyers

To promote affordable housing, the Government had launched Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY) in 2015. Under PMAY, among other schemes, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) were to be given interest rate subsidy on their housing loans. The interest subsidy was to be provided under Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) under PMAY. EWS… Continue Reading

What Is the Ideal Home Loan Tenure?

Planning to take a home loan? You have shortlisted the bank with the lowest interest rate and the best feedback about the service. Well, have you given thought to the home loan tenure? Along with your loan amount and the interest rate, the home loan tenure is an important variable in determining your monthly EMI.… Continue Reading

Budget 2017 — Salient Points

This year’s Union Budget is a mixed bag for salaried class and the real estate investors. Here is a look at key budget announcements. Reduction in tax rate from 10% to 5% for income tax slab of Rs 2.5 lacs to Rs 5 lacs (Positive) Introduction of Surcharge of 10% for taxable income between Rs… Continue Reading

Financial Habits That Can Spoil Your Future

Many times, we focus on things to do to improve our long term financial health. In this post, let’s discuss some of the financial habits that are likely to affect your long term financial health adversely. These habits can affect you in many ways. You may not be able to invest enough. You may not… Continue Reading

All you need to know about New Pension Scheme (NPS)

New Pension Scheme (NPS) has got quite popular in the last few years due to favourable tax announcements. In this post, I will discuss NPS basics, tax benefits on investment and tax treatment at maturity. Finally, I will discuss whether you should invest in NPS. NPS Is a Defined Contribution Pension Plan Under a defined… Continue Reading

Ways to Generate Regular Income During Retirement

As you start your retirement, you will need to replace your salary with another source of regular income. If you have been part of a defined benefit pension scheme or have been investing in a pension plan during your working years, you will not feel as much pinch. Those who have not purchased a pension plan… Continue Reading

Financial Planning for Self-Employed

Being self-employed gives you the freedom to work on what you want and how you want. You don’t have to deal with a rude boss and frustrating office politics. You may get to choose your work timings. Till now, everything sounds good. However, self-employment can bring its own set of unique problems. There is no… Continue Reading

You Do Not Need Life Insurance During Retirement

Ramesh is 45 years old. He has read enough about importance of purchasing an adequate life cover. Till now, he has relied on traditional life insurance plans for life insurance. He had never given any serious thought to purchasing life insurance. Even these traditional life insurance plans are more a result of hectic tax-planning than… Continue Reading

How Do You Invest More?

In one of the earlier posts on Retirement Planning, I had discussed the importance of starting early, portfolio diversification and a few psychological investments to get you on right financial track. By starting early, you get the power of compounding behind you and your small (involuntary) contributions can result in a significant corpus by the… Continue Reading