How to Avoid Taking Too Much Debt?

Debt is not evil. In fact, if used responsibly, debt can be extremely useful. Yes, taking on debt involves additional cost in the form of interest. Clearly not desirable but that’s just the cost of capital. If you are using your own funds for purchase, consider the possibility that those funds could have been invested… Continue Reading

What Is 20-10-4 Rule for Car Loans?

Our brains are not wired to perform very complex calculations without assistance. Either we need pen and paper to solve. Or a calculator or spreadsheet software to solve complex problems. Now, if you really want, it is not difficult to find a pen and paper. And mobile phones provide 24X7 access to calculators and spreadsheet… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Crisis: The Loan Hierarchy

The nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 has affected the cashflows or income potential of many citizens. While it is painful to imagine the plight of daily wage earners, many in the organized sector have also struggled. Every day you can hear about the salary cuts or employee layoffs. And this is coming… Continue Reading

Budget 2020 Highlights

The Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, presented the Union Budget 2020 in the parliament yesterday. In this post, let’s look at the highlights of the Budget proposal. We will look at the proposals from personal taxation perspective only. #1 Restructuring of Income Tax Slabs, Lowering of Personal Tax Rates and a Choice There is a major… Continue Reading

How to Increase Your Home Loan Eligibility?

You have applied for a home loan but you are worried that you may not get the requisite amount. In an earlier post, I had discussed aspects that the banks consider while calculating your loan eligibility. In this post, let’s use the findings of the aforesaid post and see how you can increase your loan… Continue Reading

Should You Buy a Second House Using Home Loan?

Real estate is expensive in India, at least in major cities. It is difficult to purchase a house without a loan. And it takes many years to repay the loan. Despite all this difficulty, the desire for house does not end here. For the fortunate few who have been able to purchase their first house,… Continue Reading

Look for These Signs of Debt Trouble

Recently, I read an excellent article from Uma Shashikant about the signs of a person battling with debt. Remember, the person who is in debt trap or nearing one may not tell you if that’s the case. However, if you see such signs and realize that your friend or family member is struggling with debt,… Continue Reading