All You Need to Know about Plot Loans

You don’t like apartment life. You want to construct your house on a small piece of land and live there peacefully. Another reason for such a choice could be that you are not getting quality apartments in the city where you want to stay. And this can be a problem in smaller cities. The issue… Continue Reading

All You Need to Know about DHFL New Home Loan

In this post, let’s look at New Home Loan product from DHFL (Dewan Housing Finance Limited). At the outset, I must concede that there is nothing special about this product. It is a plain vanilla home loan product. As simple as it gets. There is no fancy feature in this product that requires a deeper… Continue Reading

Should You Go for Pre-Approved Home Loans?

You just booked an under-construction property. You spent months finalizing the right property for you. You paid the booking amount from your own pocket. For the remaining purchase amount and construction linked instalments, you are banking on a home loan. Unfortunately, your loan application gets rejected or the bank is not willing to sanction the requested… Continue Reading

What Is a Bridge Home Loan?

You are planning to move from your existing house to a bigger house. You plan to sell your existing house to fund the purchase. However, there is a minor problem. To purchase your new house, you need the sales proceeds of your existing house. Now, closing a deal (acceptable to you) may take some time. How do… Continue Reading

What are Earnest Money Deposit Loans?

What is Earnest Money Deposit? As per Investopedia, Earnest Money is a deposit made to a seller showing the buyer’s good faith in the transaction. Earnest Money Deposit is useful in transactions where the buyer has an option to back out at a later date for any reason. If the buyer backs out of the deal,… Continue Reading

7 Ways to Use Annual Bonus Wisely

Expecting a hefty annual performance bonus? It is the time of the year many of us start getting excited about the salary hikes and annual bonuses. Not everything is in your hands but the anticipation and excitement is palpable. There is much time spent in cabin gossip over a cup of coffee speculating over the… Continue Reading

What Happens If You Default on Your Loan?

When you take a loan, you take a responsibility to repay it too. And it may happen that you may struggle to repay the loan. The reason for non-repayment could be many, ranging from loss of job and improper financial planning to poor health, disability or even demise of the borrower. In extreme cases, you could end… Continue Reading