Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

A good debt is used for purchase of productive or appreciating assets or useful services. Thus, a home loan, an education loan or a business loan can be considered good debt. A housing loan gets you ownership of the house while an education loan or a business loan can improve your employment and income prospects.… Continue Reading

Should You Prepay Your Home Loan or Invest?

You got your annual bonus. You have a home loan too. What should you do? Use the bonus (lumpsum) amount to repay the loan OR Invest the amount in the hope that you will earn a higher post-tax return than the post-tax cost of home loan There is no black and white answer. My stance… Continue Reading

Are Home Loan Insurance Products Failing You?

Death in the family brings not just emotional trauma but can also bring financial agony to the family. If the deceased was the primary breadwinner, the family can struggle financially unless the deceased had bought adequate life insurance coverage. If the deceased had taken a home loan, the loan needs to be repaid too. Since… Continue Reading

Should You Aggressively Prepay Your Home Loan?

Home loan is a long term financial commitment. At the time of borrowing, your income may not be sufficient to service the bigger EMI or you may have other obligations and debts like car loan or personal loan. But once you are done with all other loans or when your income increases, you may be… Continue Reading

Budget 2021 Highlights

The Finance Minister presented the Union Budget 2021 on February 1, 2021. Here are the key highlights. Tax Slabs Remain Unchanged No changes have been made to the existing income tax slabs. Interest on EPF Becomes Taxable If you contribute more than Rs 2.5 lacs to your EPF account every year, the interest earned on… Continue Reading

Investing in Debt Funds vs. Prepaying a Loan

You just got your annual bonus. You want to decide between whether to use the bonus to prepay the home loan. Or put this money away in a bank fixed deposit or any other investment. The approach is simple. If the post-tax cost of your loan is HIGHER than the post-tax return from the supposed… Continue Reading