Loan Tenure: Keep it Long or Short?

Want to take out a home loan? What should be the loan tenure? 15 years, 20 years, or 25 years. Similarly, what loan tenure would you choose for your personal loan? 18 months, 36 months, or 60 months? OR What is the ideal tenure for a car loan? As always with personal finance, there is… Continue Reading

3 Benefits for Women Home Buyers in India

Asset ownership is one of the ways of women empowerment. Thus, the Government tries to incentivise women house ownership. In this post, let’s look at 3 benefits available to women home buyers in India. #1 Banks Offer Lower Interest Rates to Women The lenders usually offer lower interest rates to women borrowers. For instance, State… Continue Reading

How Home Loan Calculators Help?

Given the loan amount, interest rate and home loan tenure, how many of us can calculate the quantum of EMI? I bet not many can. And most of those who can require spreadsheet software to calculate. We have written about how reducing balance home loans work. The post explains about the workings of EMI calculations.… Continue Reading

How to Manage Debt during Cashflow Crisis?

You have Rs 4 lacs in your bank account. You have 3 loans running and a bit of credit card debt. Home loan of Rs 20 lacs (Remaining Tenure: 17 years, Rate: 8% p.a., EMI: Rs 18,000) Personal loan of 5 lacs (Remaining Tenure: 3 years, Rate: 13% p.a., EMI: Rs 17,000) Personal Loan: Rs… Continue Reading