You Cannot Take the Tax Benefit for Home Loan Interest Twice

The Budget 2023 made multiple announcements that had a direct impact on the middle-class taxpayers. While the most prominent was about the fresh incentives for the New Tax regime, there were quite a few other small yet important takeaways from the budget. One such takeaway was in the form of clarification about disallowing double deduction… Continue Reading

A 6-Point Wishlist for Union Budget 2023

The Union Budget 2023 is round the corner. Are you ready with your wish list? What do you want from this budget? Lower taxes? Higher tax deductions? Additional tax exemptions? The Budget announcements may not meet all your demands/wishes since the Government must strike the right balance between populism, targeted incentives, and tax collections. Still,… Continue Reading

Should You Take a Loan for House Downpayment?

Why do we have to make down payments for home purchases? Why can’t the banks lend the full amount for the purchase? Two reasons. Firstly, the banks get a wider security cushion while lending. So, if the bank lends Rs 80 lacs for purchase of Rs 1 crore house, in the event of default, the… Continue Reading

Whom Does the Home Loan Rate Hikes Hurt More?

An interest rate hike hurts all borrowers. For the same service (loan), you must pay more every month. Or pay the same amount but for a longer period. Neither is a desirable outcome for a borrower. And yes, the rate hikes hurt the borrower running a tight budget a bit more. In such cases, the… Continue Reading

How to Structure a Home Loan?

The loan amount is already decided. You do not control the interest rate. The only aspects where you have discretion are: Loan Tenure Pre-EMI or Full EMI Regular home loan scheme OR Home-saver loans (such as SBI Maxgain) #1 Choosing the Loan Tenure We have this tendency to close the home loans as soon as… Continue Reading