Can a ‘Credit Card Takeover Loan’ Help?

Struggling with credit card debt? You make small payments on your credit card every month, but the debt just does not seem to go down. Why Does This Happen? Because credit cards are the most expensive debt in the formal finance sector. The interest rate ranges from 36% to 45% p.a. While you may be… Continue Reading

Borrow More for the Same Amount of Gold

The Reserve Bank of India has increased the Loan-to-Value (LTV) for gold loans offered by banks from 75% to 90%. This is to increase the availability of credit to households and small businesses during these difficult COVID times. Many Indian households hold gold. And gold makes for an excellent collateral. From a lender’s perspective, it is… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Crisis: The Loan Hierarchy

The nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 has affected the cashflows or income potential of many citizens. While it is painful to imagine the plight of daily wage earners, many in the organized sector have also struggled. Every day you can hear about the salary cuts or employee layoffs. And this is coming… Continue Reading