What Is the Real Cost of Your Loan?

You may be really excited to have negotiated a good interest rate for your loan with a bank. However, is the interest rate the only aspect in determining your cost of loan? What about the ancillary charges? Such charges also affect the cost of your loan, don’t they? Flat Interest Rate Loans vs Reducing Balance… Continue Reading

Another Reason Not to Opt for HLPP

I got an e-mail from one of the regular readers at EMICalculator.net. He brought to my notice an aspect I had failed to cover in my earlier post on Home Loan Protection Plans (HLPPs). Case Summary His father had taken a loan of Rs 8.95 lacs for a tenor of 17 years from a leading… Continue Reading

9 Things to Consider before Availing Personal Loan

These days, it is not uncommon to find at least one e-mail per day about instant or pre-approved personal loan in your mailbox.  The creative teams at banks can actually make you feel that the offer has specifically been customized for you. Do not fall for the attractive advertisement. You must avoid personal loans to… Continue Reading