What Is 20-10-4 Rule for Car Loans?

Our brains are not wired to perform very complex calculations without assistance. Either we need pen and paper to solve. Or a calculator or spreadsheet software to solve complex problems. Now, if you really want, it is not difficult to find a pen and paper. And mobile phones provide 24X7 access to calculators and spreadsheet… Continue Reading

Should You Buy or Rent a Car?

We have looked at “Buy vs Rent” for a house. In this post, let’s extend this argument to a car. Wait, what, a car? Yes, instead of buying a car, you can rent a car. You buy a new car on loan. You pay EMIs for 3-5 years and for insurance and maintenance every year.… Continue Reading

Should You Take a Loan for House Downpayment?

Why do we have to make down payments for home purchases? Why can’t the banks lend the full amount for the purchase? Two reasons. Firstly, the banks get a wider security cushion while lending. So, if the bank lends Rs 80 lacs for purchase of Rs 1 crore house, in the event of default, the… Continue Reading

Taking a Personal Loan for Downpayment?

Even when you plan to purchase a house through a loan, you still must make the down-payment from your own pocket. Your home loan wouldn’t fund the complete purchase amount. You must fund some percentage of the purchase from own pocket. What if you didn’t plan well and you do not have funds to make… Continue Reading

What Is the Ideal Age to Take a Home Loan?

Most of us don’t have the luxury to purchase a house without a home loan. So, if you plan to purchase a house, you have to take a home loan at some point during your working years. A question that may cross your mind, “What is the ideal age to take a home loan?” Should… Continue Reading

7 Ways to Use Annual Bonus Wisely

Expecting a hefty annual performance bonus? It is the time of the year many of us start getting excited about the salary hikes and annual bonuses. Not everything is in your hands but the anticipation and excitement is palpable. There is much time spent in cabin gossip over a cup of coffee speculating over the… Continue Reading