How to Avoid Taking Too Much Debt?

Debt is not evil. In fact, if used responsibly, debt can be extremely useful. Yes, taking on debt involves additional cost in the form of interest. Clearly not desirable but that’s just the cost of capital. If you are using your own funds for purchase, consider the possibility that those funds could have been invested… Continue Reading

Ring in the New Year with These 5 Financial Resolutions

For many of us, a new year starts with resolutions. And these resolutions can encompass a wide range of areas such as physical health, financial wealth, personal spirituality, and relationships. What are your resolutions for the new year? Well, you don’t have to tell us but make a concerted effort to see them through to… Continue Reading

5 Financial Resolutions for the New Year

It is a new year. A chance to look back at how the past year went by. Achievements, setbacks, things that went right and what could have been. And an opportunity to welcome the new year. Make new resolutions and set out to achieve with loads of optimism. We will leave your life resolutions to… Continue Reading

How to Manage Debt during Cashflow Crisis?

You have Rs 4 lacs in your bank account. You have 3 loans running and a bit of credit card debt. Home loan of Rs 20 lacs (Remaining Tenure: 17 years, Rate: 8% p.a., EMI: Rs 18,000) Personal loan of 5 lacs (Remaining Tenure: 3 years, Rate: 13% p.a., EMI: Rs 17,000) Personal Loan: Rs… Continue Reading

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

A good debt is used for purchase of productive or appreciating assets or useful services. Thus, a home loan, an education loan or a business loan can be considered good debt. A housing loan gets you ownership of the house while an education loan or a business loan can improve your employment and income prospects.… Continue Reading

Credit Resolutions for 2021

It is a new year. And A new year brings new resolutions. Let us look at some of the credit resolutions for 2021 you can consider. # 1 Reduce Debt This applies to those who are currently struggling with credit burden. There are only two ways to reduce credit burden. Reduce the quantum of debt (Possible… Continue Reading

Easy Loans Can Make Your Life Difficult

Getting loans is easy these days, especially if you are salaried and have the right credit profile. And there are loans available for everything. You can easily get loans for travel, home renovation, wedding, medical treatment or anything under the sun. You can get these loans quickly too. A few platforms claim to provide loans… Continue Reading