ICICI Bank Instant Platinum Credit Card: Our Review

Looking for your first credit card, but your card application keeps getting rejected due to inadequate credit history or some other reason? There is a simple and quick way to get around this problem if you have some money in your bank account. I am talking about a bank FD backed credit card. And in this… Continue Reading

What Is a Good Credit Utilisation Score?

10%? 30%? 40%? I don’t think there is a crisp answer to this. Clearly, lower the better. Let’s first understand what is credit utilisation ratio and how it is calculated. Then, we get down to what is a healthy credit utilisation ratio and the different ways to improve the ratio. What Is Credit Utilisation Ratio?… Continue Reading

Can a ‘Credit Card Takeover Loan’ Help?

Struggling with credit card debt? You make small payments on your credit card every month, but the debt just does not seem to go down. Why Does This Happen? Because credit cards are the most expensive debt in the formal finance sector. The interest rate ranges from 36% to 45% p.a. While you may be… Continue Reading

5 Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

A good credit score is important. It can provide you with access to a wider range of credit facilities and help reduce the cost of credit. Going forward, your credit score may play an important role in non-financial matters, say employment or taking a house on rent. Fair enough but what are the factors that… Continue Reading

What Are the Features of The “Best Personal Loan”?

Every lender claims to offer the “Best Personal Loan”. Fair enough. “Best” is anyways subjective. No one knows what aspect of the personal loan the bank is referring to. Well, according to you, what shall be the features of the “Best personal Loan”? In this post, let’s find out. While we are discussing the “best”… Continue Reading