Struggling to Pay Credit Card Debt in Full?

Your most recent credit card bill is Rs 1.5 lacs. Your cashflows do not allow you to settle the card bill in full. What do you do? Clearly, you should have been more careful and should not have raked up such a high card bill in the first place. While you should have been more… Continue Reading

Choosing Payment Options during Checkout

For an expensive online purchase, do you pay in full or take the benefit of an EMI scheme? Depending on the range of credit cards you have and the ongoing offers, you may have the following options during checkout: Full upfront payment. Full upfront payment with discount. Interest-EMI without discount: The EMIs add an interest… Continue Reading

Are You Still Revolving Your Credit Card Debt?

Credit card debt is the most expensive debt in the formal finance sector, with the annual interest rates ranging from 30% to 45% p.a. Hence, you should try to avoid revolving your credit card debt. “Revolving” means not paying your credit card debt in full and carrying forward unpaid amounts to the next cycle. The… Continue Reading

The Hidden Cost of Instant EMIs and EMI Conversion

EMIs make it easy and convenient to buy online. But even with EMIs, you have multiple options. You can opt for Instant EMIs (also called Merchant EMI) directly on the merchant website. Or you can pay the full amount upfront and later ask your bank to convert the purchase amount to EMIs. Which option is… Continue Reading