Your Credit Score Will Determine Your Home Loan EMI

You know that your credit score plays an important role in getting a loan. A lower credit score can simply ruin your chances of getting a loan. What you perhaps didn’t know was that a good credit score could get you better interest rates. Although it may already be happening internally, nothing was out in… Continue Reading

Top Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Credit cards are easily available these days. The banks keep chasing customers with attractive offers (or so they say) on their credit cards. Personally, I am not against credit cards. If you use your credit cards judiciously, you can save a lot of money. You get an interest free credit period of up to 52… Continue Reading

The Truth behind Pre-Approved Personal Loans

Ever received an e-mail about pre-approved loans from your savings bank or credit card issuing bank? Most of us will answer this question in the affirmative. The e-mail is typically about a pre-approved home loan or a personal loan. The frequency of such e-mails is quite high too. I get an e-mail from my credit… Continue Reading

6 Factors to Consider While Taking Car Loans

You have been planning to buy a car.  In fact, you have been looking to buy one ever since you finished college. You have also accumulated money for down payment. And have been planning to take loan for the remaining amount. In this post, I will discuss a few things that you should keep in… Continue Reading

9 Things to Consider before Availing Personal Loan

These days, it is not uncommon to find at least one e-mail per day about instant or pre-approved personal loan in your mailbox.  The creative teams at banks can actually make you feel that the offer has specifically been customized for you. Do not fall for the attractive advertisement. You must avoid personal loans to… Continue Reading

A Credit Card Primer

In this age of consumerism one is lost without a credit card. In developed countries, all retail lending by banks happens through credit cards. In India, banks have categorized retail lending into personal loans, loans for purchase of durable utility articles, vehicle loans, home improvement loans etc., and these are separate retail credit products distinct… Continue Reading

Avoid these common credit card mistakes

“Oh my God, take a look at my credit score. Its awful!” cried my cousin showing his credit score along with the credit information report (CIR). “I have a salaried IT job & a healthy bank balance, have always paid the credit card balance in full and have never taken any loans. And this is… Continue Reading

How to read your CIBIL credit report?

In our last post, we wrote about what is CIBIL score and CIR. We even suggested you to check your report once in a while. Now you can apply for a report online as well. The process is simple and you can get your score via email quickly. By doing so, you can rectify the… Continue Reading