Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for First Time Home Buyers

To promote affordable housing, the Government had launched Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY) in 2015. Under PMAY, among other schemes, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) were to be given interest rate subsidy on their housing loans. The interest subsidy was to be provided under Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) under PMAY. EWS… Continue Reading

Budget 2017 — Salient Points

This year’s Union Budget is a mixed bag for salaried class and the real estate investors. Here is a look at key budget announcements. Reduction in tax rate from 10% to 5% for income tax slab of Rs 2.5 lacs to Rs 5 lacs (Positive) Introduction of Surcharge of 10% for taxable income between Rs… Continue Reading

Your Credit Score Will Determine Your Home Loan EMI

You know that your credit score plays an important role in getting a loan. A lower credit score can simply ruin your chances of getting a loan. What you perhaps didn’t know was that a good credit score could get you better interest rates. Although it may already be happening internally, nothing was out in… Continue Reading

Budget 2016 — Salient Points

The latest Union Budget is a mixed bag for many investors. Though the budget had many sops for the borrowers & middle class folks, there were a few setbacks too. Let’s look at ten most important takeaways from the latest budget. 1. Tax Relief for First Time Home Buyers First time home buyers have been… Continue Reading

Budget 2015: A Common Man’s Perspective

When Finance Minister, Mr Arun Jaitley, presented the NDA government’s first full year budget on 28th February 2015, I was one of the millions of Indians who sat glued to their television sets to catch the budget highlights first hand. To be honest, like most of individual tax payers out there, I was expecting a… Continue Reading

Introducing the All New Kisan Vikas Patra

The literal meaning of Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) is farmer development bond. This name is a misnomer because any individual could invest in this instrument and not only farmers. The proceeds of the bond may be utilized for the welfare of the farmers. This small savings instrument, in its earlier avatar, was quite popular because… Continue Reading

Budget 2014 and Impact on Real Estate Market

This time around the budget has many proposals which directly and indirectly impact the real estate market positively. If we take the direct tax proposals, it has many goodies for the middle class and the salaried. Even though premium housing has emerged as a niche segment, the bulk of the housing demand continues to come… Continue Reading