How to Close Your Home Loan Quickly?

I have not found too many people who are not in a rush to close their home loans. For some, the obsession is so high that they put everything else, even long-term investments, on the back burner while they focus on closing their home loans. Do you belong to the same group? Nothing wrong in… Continue Reading

Got 2 Home Loans, Which One Would You Prepay First?

You have 2 home loans. You got an annual bonus. You want to prepay your home loan. Which home loan would you prepay first? Clearly, the one with a higher rate of interest, right? You save more by paying off the loan with a higher rate of interest. Ready-to-Move-in or under-Construction Property? The choice will… Continue Reading

The Price You Pay for Not Asking Your Bank

Home loan interest rates have risen over the 15 months. When interest rates rise, the default response by the banks is usually to increase the tenure while keeping the EMI constant. If the tenure can’t be increased because of the loan tenure breaching the contracted tenure or because you don’t want to pay for a… Continue Reading

What Happened to My Reward Points?

Do you use credit cards for cashbacks, discounts, and rewards points? Many of us do. What if the bank were to suddenly reduce such benefits on your credit card? Why Would Your Bank Reduce the Benefits? Yes, the customer may get annoyed and feel cheated. You may use the card less or even stop using… Continue Reading

Are You Still Revolving Your Credit Card Debt?

Credit card debt is the most expensive debt in the formal finance sector, with the annual interest rates ranging from 30% to 45% p.a. Hence, you should try to avoid revolving your credit card debt. “Revolving” means not paying your credit card debt in full and carrying forward unpaid amounts to the next cycle. The… Continue Reading

What Are the Features of The “Best Personal Loan”?

Every lender claims to offer the “Best Personal Loan”. Fair enough. “Best” is anyways subjective. No one knows what aspect of the personal loan the bank is referring to. Well, according to you, what shall be the features of the “Best personal Loan”? In this post, let’s find out. While we are discussing the “best”… Continue Reading