The ABCs of Health Insurance

People are prone to diseases and it is impossible to predict as to when a health crisis will manifest itself in your life. Health care also has improved leading to longer life expectancy. However, the cost of health care also has gone up, and can empty your life’s savings if you need hospitalization and special… Continue Reading

Some Thoughts on Investment

Recently there happened to be an accidental discussion with one Mr. Joshi, a retired Engineer and an acquaintance of another friend of mine. The discussion was accidental because it was not pre-planned and Mr. Joshi was telling us how wisely he had invested in a house property in his younger days and how he sold… Continue Reading

How To Do Household Financial Planning?

I have heard many a householder lament that by end of the month they do not know where their money has gone, and they are left with no savings and worse, waiting for the next salary credit. Do you fall in this category? This can happen if you do not keep household accounts. But while… Continue Reading

Is Buying Property a Good Investment?

At the outset, let me hasten to clarify that this article is not about renting vs buying a property. This article is purely an analysis on investing in real estate, its plus and minus points. i.e., treating direct investment in real estate as one of the avenues for deploying your surpluses for good returns and… Continue Reading

8 Things You Should Know Before Buying Life Insurance

Insurance is said to be the subject matter of solicitation. The insurance agent gets a commission for selling a policy. Some agents undertake to pay certain number of premiums out of their commission as an incentive for you to buy and also to incentivise to keep the policy alive. Insurance contract requires an offer, an… Continue Reading

7 Ways to Cut Down Your Household Expenses

Reducing your household expenses will result in higher savings, which if invested wisely can provide you a nest egg for unforeseen expenses, children’s education and old age. The saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned” is so true! To plug those avoidable expenses, you need to list out all the expenses during the month… Continue Reading

A Primer for First Time Apartment Buyers – Part Two

Having selected the property to buy, and after checking out the budgeting, it is time to start the process of buying the apartment in right earnest. Choosing a lender and home loan You need to book the apartment selected by paying the booking amount demanded by the seller. Booking amount may vary from 5% to… Continue Reading