Home Loan: How to Reduce Your Interest Burden?

Home Loan EMI is perhaps the biggest monthly expense item for a number of people. EMIs typically comprise 35-40% of take home salaries of individuals. With such high EMIs, very little is left to invest for other financial goals. To purchase their dream house and to keep their EMIs affordable, people go for long tenor… Continue Reading

Understanding Tax Benefits on Home Loan (Updated)

For most young professionals, buying a house tops the list of priorities. Even those who do not believe real estate makes for a good investment, do not have second thoughts about purchasing a house to stay in. Not only does it give you the comfort of living in own house, it also provides financial security… Continue Reading

How to Get out of Debt Trap

What has to happen before you think you are in a debt trap? Does default of your EMI payments or credit card payments count as a debt trap? Or is there a less critical situation which can also be termed a debt trap? What about when you do not make your credit card payments in… Continue Reading

Should You Buy Home Insurance?

A house, for most of us, is the biggest investment we make in life. Not just that, you enter into long term commitment to pay off those EMIs and call your dream house truly yours. So, most of us dedicate a better part of our professional lives to make this dream house a reality. Any… Continue Reading