How Do You Invest More?

In one of the earlier posts on Retirement Planning, I had discussed the importance of starting early, portfolio diversification and a few psychological investments to get you on right financial track. By starting early, you get the power of compounding behind you and your small (involuntary) contributions can result in a significant corpus by the… Continue Reading

Reverse Mortgage Loan

When you retire, the routine of a hefty salary credit to your bank account at the beginning of every month comes to an abrupt end. You have purchased a pension plan but that pension is merely a fraction of your last salary. Inflation seems a much bigger demon now. The ability to recover from unplanned… Continue Reading

Focus on Your Financial Goals While Planning for Taxes

As the financial year draws to a close, the hustle for tax-saving products grows stronger. The human resources department of your company is after you for proofs of tax-saving investments.  Last quarter of the financial year is anyways quite hectic. You are already under so much work pressure. Amidst that you need to find time… Continue Reading

Do You Have These Insurance Plans in Your Portfolio?

Why do we purchase insurance? Well, the answer is simple. You purchase insurance to guard against the impact of a particular event on your family’s finances. That event could be death, illness, disability or damage to expensive belongings. You don’t insure your pen or clothes but you insure your car.  Why? This is because loss… Continue Reading

Gold Loan — Unlocking Cash for Emergency Needs

Consider these two scenarios. You quit your job to start a business and need an instant loan. It is unlikely that you will get a quick loan from banks. There are many banks that offer personal loans instantly. However, this facility is available to customers with high income levels and good credit history. You just… Continue Reading

How to Save Tax on Sale of a House

You made a killing recently on a house that you had purchased 15 years ago.  You had bought this house for Rs 7 lacs. Recently, you sold the same house for Rs 1.5 crores. Net absolute gain of Rs 1.43 crores. You are aware of the indexation benefit on sale of a long term capital… Continue Reading

Loan against PPF Account

You are looking for a small loan of Rs 1 lacs for purchasing new furniture for living room of your new house. The first thing that comes to mind is a personal loan. But you are aware that personal loans are quite expensive. The interest rates can vary from 14% to 18% p.a. or even… Continue Reading

6 Factors to Consider While Taking Car Loans

You have been planning to buy a car.  In fact, you have been looking to buy one ever since you finished college. You have also accumulated money for down payment. And have been planning to take loan for the remaining amount. In this post, I will discuss a few things that you should keep in… Continue Reading