Another Reason Not to Opt for HLPP

I got an e-mail from one of the regular readers at He brought to my notice an aspect I had failed to cover in my earlier post on Home Loan Protection Plans (HLPPs). Case Summary His father had taken a loan of Rs 8.95 lacs for a tenor of 17 years from a leading… Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About Sovereign Gold Bonds

Have you felt the need for gold in your investment portfolio? If you have not, you need to think again. Gold is a physical asset, is globally priced and can be a good hedge against high inflation and rupee depreciation. Even though gold is a speculative asset, it deserves a small part in your investment portfolio… Continue Reading

You Do Not Need Life Insurance During Retirement

Ramesh is 45 years old. He has read enough about importance of purchasing an adequate life cover. Till now, he has relied on traditional life insurance plans for life insurance. He had never given any serious thought to purchasing life insurance. Even these traditional life insurance plans are more a result of hectic tax-planning than… Continue Reading

Top Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Credit cards are easily available these days. The banks keep chasing customers with attractive offers (or so they say) on their credit cards. Personally, I am not against credit cards. If you use your credit cards judiciously, you can save a lot of money. You get an interest free credit period of up to 52… Continue Reading

The Truth behind Pre-Approved Personal Loans

Ever received an e-mail about pre-approved loans from your savings bank or credit card issuing bank? Most of us will answer this question in the affirmative. The e-mail is typically about a pre-approved home loan or a personal loan. The frequency of such e-mails is quite high too. I get an e-mail from my credit… Continue Reading

Tax Benefits on Home Loans Are Overhyped

You have excess cash in hand from the last bonus you received and the fixed deposit that just matured. You have been thinking about how to use the funds. Your financial advisors that include your friends, doctor, lawyer and grocer have suggested that you take exposure to equity mutual funds. Your parents have advised you… Continue Reading

Common Insurance Mistakes You Must Avoid

Insurance is the first step in financial planning. Before getting your investments right, you must get your insurance portfolio right. If you get your investments wrong, you may still get another chance especially if you are young. However, if you get your life insurance wrong, there won’t be a second chance. If you get health… Continue Reading