Loan Against Securities

If you are looking to raise short term funds quickly and have a sizeable investment portfolio, loan against securities is an option you can consider. In this post, let’s look at loans against securities in detail and assess whether you must consider such loans. What Are Loans Against Securities? As the name suggests, you can… Continue Reading

Loan Against Bank Fixed Deposit (FD)

Looking for a short term loan to fund an emergency in the family? Among various ways to raise short term debt, a loan against your existing fixed deposit might just be one of the quickest. In this post, I will discuss loan eligibility, interest rate and pros and cons of such loans. We will also… Continue Reading

10 Retirement Planning Tips

Planning for retirement is one of the most important financial goals for anyone. During your working years, you need to ensure that your lifestyle does not suffer during your retirement. Here are a few tips that you can use while planning for your retirement. 1. Set a CORRECT retirement corpus target. It is not easy to… Continue Reading

5 Health Insurance Myths Busted

When you are chalking out a financial plan for yourself, health insurance is one aspect that features prominently. With cost of quality healthcare rising sharply (partly because of health insurance itself), a prolonged hospitalisation can deplete your long term financial health. An adequate health insurance cover can provide good cushion to your finances in such… Continue Reading

Fixed Rate or a Floating Rate Loan

You have finalised your dream house to purchase. You have also finalised the bank to take home loan from. You have a long relationship with the bank. You have been informally told that you will get the loan easily given your high repayment ability. You are planning to visit the bank branch tomorrow. The spirits… Continue Reading

10 Credit Card Charges That You Must Know About

Credit cards can provide you many benefits. You can get discounts and cashbacks on the popular shopping portals. You get discounts at your favourite restaurants. You get discounts while booking flights and hotels. You get rewards point which can be used for future purchases and for exciting gifts or gift coupons. We have seen the… Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About Loan Against Property

You need Rs 20 lacs to fund a wedding in the family. You approached a few friends/relatives for help. They chipped in but you are still Rs 15 lacs short. You approached a few banks and NBFCs. However, your requests for a personal loan of Rs 15 lacs were politely declined, primarily because you are… Continue Reading

Ways to Generate Regular Income During Retirement

As you start your retirement, you will need to replace your salary with another source of regular income. If you have been part of a defined benefit pension scheme or have been investing in a pension plan during your working years, you will not feel as much pinch. Those who have not purchased a pension plan… Continue Reading

Financial Planning for Self-Employed

Being self-employed gives you the freedom to work on what you want and how you want. You don’t have to deal with a rude boss and frustrating office politics. You may get to choose your work timings. Till now, everything sounds good. However, self-employment can bring its own set of unique problems. There is no… Continue Reading