10 Credit Card Charges That You Must Know About

Credit cards can provide you many benefits. You can get discounts and cashbacks on the popular shopping portals. You get discounts at your favourite restaurants. You get discounts while booking flights and hotels. You get rewards point which can be used for future purchases and for exciting gifts or gift coupons. We have seen the… Continue Reading

Loan Against LIC Policies

I have never been a big fan of traditional life insurance plans such as endowment plans, money back plans etc. Traditional life insurance plans provide low life coverage and poor investment returns. Hence, such plans are better avoided. When we talk about life insurance plans, the first name that typically pops up in your mind is… Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About Loan Against Property

You need Rs 20 lacs to fund a wedding in the family. You approached a few friends/relatives for help. They chipped in but you are still Rs 15 lacs short. You approached a few banks and NBFCs. However, your requests for a personal loan of Rs 15 lacs were politely declined, primarily because you are… Continue Reading

Ways to Generate Regular Income During Retirement

As you start your retirement, you will need to replace your salary with another source of regular income. If you have been part of a defined benefit pension scheme or have been investing in a pension plan during your working years, you will not feel as much pinch. Those who have not purchased a pension plan… Continue Reading

Financial Planning for Self-Employed

Being self-employed gives you the freedom to work on what you want and how you want. You don’t have to deal with a rude boss and frustrating office politics. You may get to choose your work timings. Till now, everything sounds good. However, self-employment can bring its own set of unique problems. There is no… Continue Reading

Another Reason Not to Opt for HLPP

I got an e-mail from one of the regular readers at EMICalculator.net. He brought to my notice an aspect I had failed to cover in my earlier post on Home Loan Protection Plans (HLPPs). Case Summary His father had taken a loan of Rs 8.95 lacs for a tenor of 17 years from a leading… Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About Sovereign Gold Bonds

Have you felt the need for gold in your investment portfolio? If you have not, you need to think again. Gold is a physical asset, is globally priced and can be a good hedge against high inflation and rupee depreciation. Even though gold is a speculative asset, it deserves a small part in your investment portfolio… Continue Reading

You Do Not Need Life Insurance During Retirement

Ramesh is 45 years old. He has read enough about importance of purchasing an adequate life cover. Till now, he has relied on traditional life insurance plans for life insurance. He had never given any serious thought to purchasing life insurance. Even these traditional life insurance plans are more a result of hectic tax-planning than… Continue Reading