ICICI Bank Step-Up Home Loan Product – A Review

Almost everyone plans to purchase a house sooner or later. For those who want to purchase their house early in their professional career, affordability of the home loan can be a serious issue. Your salary grows over a period of time. Your non-discretionary expenses such as rent, groceries, utility bills, school fees for kids etc.… Continue Reading

4 Factors to Consider While Upgrading Your Credit Card

You get a call from your bank. The executive tells you, “Since you are a privileged customer, we are offering you an upgrade on your existing credit card.” Such statements invariably massage your ego. Who does not want to be recognized as a privileged customer? In addition, you are getting better benefits and a higher… Continue Reading

Self-Financing vs. Education Loan

You are planning to go for higher education. You got the admit letter from your favorite college. Everything is going smoothly. There is just one dilemma, whether you should finance the education from own funds or take an education loan. In this post, let’s look at some of the aspects that can help you make… Continue Reading

Credit Card against Bank Fixed Deposit

You do not like taking credit and avoided any loans and credit cards thus far.  You would pay cash or use your debit card/net banking to make payments rather than using a credit card. Its a matter of choice. And a prudent financial habit too. Non-usage of credit cards takes away the possibility of overspending… Continue Reading

When Is It Foolish to Take a Personal Loan?

Personal loans are easily available. Many banks even claim to provide instant personal loans. You get regular email alerts that you have a pre-approved loan. And if you are planning a very expensive vacation, don’t think twice because the personal loan is yours for the taking. The picture is rosy. Your ego is bloated. Cost… Continue Reading

5 Credit Card Habits You Should Avoid

Whether credit cards are useful or harmful depends on the person who uses it. To a prudent spender, a credit card means discounts, cash backs, reward points, easy and interest-free credit. To an irresponsible spender or someone who is struggling with cash flows, credit card may mean high interest rates, minimum payments, penal charges and… Continue Reading

You Can Use Your EPF Corpus to Pay Your Home Loan EMI

Ministry of Finance and EPFO have been on overdrive to ease partial withdrawal rules from EPF.  With “Housing for All by 2022” in mind, there has been significant relaxation in EPF partial withdrawal rules if you want to withdraw to acquire a house. No Need for Multiple Claim Forms In a press release dated February… Continue Reading

Investments through Credit Cards?

Many of us have grown so fond of rewards points that we even want to make our investments through credit cards.  Sounds good, right? It is like having a cake and eating it too. Many times, I hear this question (investment through credit card) at the end of the financial year when many of us… Continue Reading

How Much Home Loan EMI Can You Afford?

I do not think there will ever be a crisp answer to this question. First, when the “right property” comes along, you will convince yourself to stretch your budget and go for a larger home loan. So, all the calculations and discussion on this topic may be futile to some extent. Well, nothing wrong in… Continue Reading