Taking a Loan You Didn’t Want

While digital lending apps are all the rage, I am a bit paranoid even about downloading and browsing through such apps. I worry about the Machiavellian design of their user interface and that I may be fooled into taking a loan I didn’t want. And while it may sound surprising, this can happen. Recently, I… Continue Reading

My Favourite Tax-Saving Investment

A quick disclaimer to begin. My favourite tax-saving investment does not have to be your favourite tax-saving investment and we can always agree to disagree. We discussed “Things to consider before investing in a tax-saving product” in an earlier post. The post is a good primer on how to think about your tax-saving choices. My… Continue Reading

Deciding the Best Payment Option for Your Purchase

You want to buy a laptop online and you don’t want to look beyond Amazon and Flipkart for this purchase. Let’s further assume that, on both the sites, the laptop is listed at the same price. However, there are discounts and cashbacks on specific cards. In such a case, unless you have a preference for… Continue Reading

How Can a No-Cost EMI Become Expensive?

Yes, that’s possible and it is all mathematics. In this post, let’s understand how this can happen. Before we go there, let’s do a quick recap of how No-cost EMIs work. How No-Cost EMIs Work You purchase an item worth Rs X. You opt for the No-cost EMI option (let’s say 6 months) on the… Continue Reading